

Lexington Squares Senior Living
Family Solutions for Care is a company of experts dedicated to getting families the long-term care insurance benefits they deserve.

How we help Lexington Squares and the families you serve:

When clients have long-term care insurance, that can be a win-win for them and for you. The family knows how much they can spend on care, and they are able to make decisions faster. However, owning a long term care insurance policy does not guarantee benefits.  The long term care insurance claims process is exacting and demanding. A successful claim is usually very time consuming, and requires intimate knowledge of the policy.

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Why Refer?

  • $23,000 More Claims Money – Sooner! In our experience, many individuals who have a long term care insurance policy do not get all of the claim dollars they deserve. As a result of our unique benefit analysis and retroactive care review, our clients typically receive $23,000 in extra claim dollars! We often find our clients qualify for policy payments immediately – instead of having to wait for benefits. This means less out-of-pocket expense for families, and less heartache!
  • Lost Policy Assistance What if a family can’t find their family member’s long term care insurance policy? FSC can help! We are glad to help them track down and secure the policy at no cost – it’s part of our no-cost, no obligation policy & situation review.
  • Proven Track Record When FSC is involved from the very beginning, on a standard claim, we have a 100% success rate. If you have a denied claim, of course we can help! When we’re brought us in after a claim is denied, we are able to get the denial overturned in over 90% of cases! Denied claims are more costly…so it’s better all around if we’re brought in as soon as possible.
  • Avoid Professional Liability Insurance policies are highly-regulated financial contracts. When well-meaning non-insurance-experts offer to help with long term care insurance claims, they open themselves up to potential lawsuits.


Family Solutions for Care (FSC) is America’s largest and most experienced long term care insurance claims experts and family advocacy company. We’ve worked with thousands of families, senior living professionals, long term care professionals, financial and legal providers. We’ve unlocked more than $250 Million in claims payments, while bringing families relief from the burden of managing long-term care insurance claims.

We help families with long-term care insurance get every claims dollar they deserve. Faster.

Our process starts with a no-cost, no obligation claims consultation and policy review. Refer someone to this valuable, free, service by filling in the form on this page.  And thank you for allowing us to be of service to families!

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When you send us a referral you are giving us permission to occasionally reach out via email.

Thank you!

Once you’ve sent a referral, to get your client help ASAP, schedule an appointment online for your client with an FSC long-term care insurance claims expert. Please make sure to tell them about the appointment!
long-term care insurance policy
Lexington Square
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